Train with Nat is moving just 5min away to Sunny Gym (40 Kodiak Crescent) starting January 6th!

COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Status
Train with Nat has reopened on Jan 31 running socially distanced Small Group Training Sessions for up to 4 people inside the studio. Please see below for details on how we are working to keep you safe.
We sincerely thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time and we look forwards to seeing you soon!
What we are doing to keep you safe while ensuring a great experience?

Session Capacity Limitations
In order to safely meet the social distancing requirements, each session’s numbers have been capped at 5 people. Only individuals who are booked into a session will be permitted in the gym facility during the session. Clients are otherwise asked respectfully to leave or wait outside prior to their session start time.
Individual Equipment
Each person will have access to their own heavy bag, mat, dumbbells, medicine balls, kettlebells and other equipment for the duration of their session. After each session all equipment will be sanitized prior to the next session starting. For advanced clients, bars and platforms may be shared but properly sanitized before use.

Individual Workout Stations
Each person will have their own workout station with sufficient room for movement and clearly labelled boundaries to ensure a 2m distance from other clients.
Washroom and Changeroom Limited Use
Washrooms and Changerooms are only open for individual use only.

Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Solutions
Hand sanitizer will be provided at the door and in the cleaning stations for quick and easy access. All sanitation solutions meet Health Canada recommendations.
Facility Cleaning
Flooring and highly contacted surfaces are cleaned regularly. All fitness equipment including individual mats are disinfected after each use.
Health Screening
Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms are not permitted to enter. There will be self-screening posters displayed at the entrance and a verbal screening conducted prior to each session.
Proof of Vaccination
Proof of Vaccination is required for all persons using the facility.
Coach Personal Protective Equipment
All coaches are required to be fully vaccinated as well as wear a mask during all sessions.